It’s official.

We actually founded our Collective on August 28, 2019 and have had the good fortune of being so busy with clients, we are just now getting our site up. Our beta site was a bust and needed some rebuilding (re: holiday break that didn’t happen). Thanks to a team of lovely supporters and smart af talented womxn, we have a logo, content, color palette and some great editing! We are so excited to share what we do and who we are with the world. We are ready to take on the patriarchy and 2020! SO MUCH MORE to come but for now, a nap!

A huge thanks to Maggie Tyson, Brittney Stryker, Tori Wheeler, Jen Wick, Jessica Outlaw, Phoebe Owens, Cathy Libnic. Without these talented smart womxn this would not have happened. A special thanks to our family for their patience over the last 6 months, give or take 4 decades. Leah Farrell, Barbara Weltman, Emily Greble, Jake Gamage (+2), Mckenna Stack and Meika Goldring who are equally talented, smart and supportive! HBD EG!


Em’s Pre-Summer Updates