Don’t hate. Donate.*
A social impact collaboration to fuel the good, not the bad.
Let's turn🔥😡🍋 into🌞🍭🌈!
“How can anger take a useful form and thus become a catalyst for change, innovation, performance and even social impact? We want to strongly and actively invite everyone to dare to address anger, use it and deploy it 'for the good of all', to sometimes even 'pump it up' a little extra (if only, for example, to get crisp and clear what you actually want). Because anger is not only within people, but often arises between people and can contaminate and move entire groups of people.”
Why Rage 2 Rainbows?
We’re just two very cynical people who were practically strangers a year ago. We bonded over our mutual love of being unapologetic as our full selves, the inability of some to simply be decent humans, and blue hair.
Tell us about your donations and follow our collective impact here:
Rage 2 Rainbows – @rage2rainbows
*From the hearts and minds of Madison Butler and Emily Weltman.